Previous Experience
Explosives | Mechanical Design
Bridge Demolition – Tasmania
August 2016
We were engaged to design, supply and install “hayrick” style cutting charges to sever post tensioned cables in concrete beams. The bridge deck was too high to access with conventional equipment and the decision to use explosives was made. The post tensioned tendons were PSC Monostrand – 7 strands 0.6 inch in diameter. The job was complicated by the close proximity of the new bridge and houses within 150 metres. The bridge was felled successfully with no incidents or complaints.

Flammable Gas Cylinder Disposal
December 2010
We designed and tested a method to dispose of gas cylinders containing a polymerized highly flammable gas. Cutting charges would be used to cut a rectangle out of the cylinders to allow the contents of the cylinders to be safely burnt out. The disposal operations would be undertaken remotely.

Bridge Demolition - Canberra
November 2010
We designed and manufactured hayrick cutting charges to sever tendons of high tensile post stressing strand. The tendons were approximately 100 mm in diameter and comprised of 36 strands or wire which were 1/2 inch in diameter. The hayrick charges completely severed the tendons, facilitating rapid removal of the demolished bridge.

Roof Armour Evaluation
February 2008
We designed and manufactured focused charges to simulate the damage from a Mk 118 cluster bomb sub-munition (as dispensed by a Mk 20 Rockeye Cluster Bomb). These were then fired against a range of roof armour samples to evaluate the effectiveness of the protection measures.

Anti Spall Liner Evaluation
September 2007
We designed and manufactured focused charges to simulate the damage from a shoulder fired RPG 7 round.
These were then fired against a range of targets to evaluate the effectiveness of various anti-spall personnel protection linings.
Disconnection of a Floating Production, Storage and Offloading (FPSO) Tanker
December 2004
We supervised an attempt to sever the 4 inch studlink mooring chains on an FPSO facility in the Timor Sea.
Infrastructure Protection Measures
November 2004
We provided a review of the effects of various improvised explosive devices (IEDs) against critical infrastructure.
This included likely effects against steel and concrete structures.
Power Station Demolition
March 2003
We supplied Linear Cutting Charge casings (LCC 30) to successfully cut the flanges on the main structural members (25 to 30 millimetres thick).
ROV Emplace-able 13.5/8 Inch Casing Cutter
August 2001
We designed an externally fitted Casing Cutting charge to be installed by a Remote Operated Vehicle (ROV) for emergency disconnection of a drill rig.
The charge locked itself onto the Casing and was designed to function at 1,500 metres below sea level.
4.1/2 Inch Mooring Chain Cutting Charges
November 2000
We designed underwater cutting charges for severing 4.1/2 inch stud link chain for releasing a Single Point Mooring (SPM) in the Gulf of Papua in the event of bad weather.
Submission to Canberra Hospital Implosion Enquiry
September 1998
We prepared a submission on steel material properties and the effect of directly applied explosives in steel cutting for submission to the enquiry into the failed Canberra Hospital Implosion.
2 Inch Mooring Chain Cutting Charges
April 1998
We designed and supervised the use of underwater chain cutting charges to release mid water buoys. The chain cutters were used at 80 metres water depth and severed the chains successfully.
Study to Remove an Explosive Charge from the proximity of a Gas Wellhead
October 1997
We managed a study into options for removal of a large seismic exploration charge placed in close proximity to a gas wellhead.
The recommendations of the report were implemented with no adverse effects.
Flexible Flowline Cutting Charges
December 1995
We designed underwater explosive charges to sever flexible oil and gas production flowlines. The 6 inch flexible, 2 inch flexible and 14 core umbilical lines were cut successfully at the first attempt.

Our Linear Charge Casings have been used to successfully scuttle the following vessels for artificial reef projects;
Dec 2003
Lena - Seized Illegal Fishing Trawler
Oct 2002
HMAS Hobart - Naval Frigate
Nov 2001
HMAS Perth - Naval Frigate
Nov 2000
HMNZS Waikato - Naval Frigate
Film and Television:
We provide design and engineering services for film special effects. We also manage dangerous goods licensing including authorisation of specialist explosives, pyrotechnic notifications and establishing licensed storage. We have worked on special effects for the following films;
- Fury Road – Mad Max 4
- Wolverine
- Superman Returns
- Stealth
- Matrix 1, 2 and 3
And provided consulting services / advice on Blood Diamond and Anna and the King.

Mechanical Design
Design Services
We design many different mechanical rigs for use in film special effects – from high powered jerk rams to simple davit cranes that allow stunt performers to hang over the side of a truck.
We approach each design challenge with an open mind and can usually design a functional solution with some spectacular results. A recent example was a large trebuchet for a Sydney radio station.

Contact Havoc Industries’ principal; Arran Gordon BEng (Hons)
Member of the International Society of Explosives Engineers
Mobile: + 61 (0) 419 512 911